The CAUSE Leadership Council & Network (CLC & CLN) moves the Asian Pacific American (APA) community forward through education, networks, and advancement.
The CAUSE Leadership Council serves as the governing body over the Network and provides the overarching strategy for the overall network. It is comprised of an even ratio of private, public, and nonprofit sector experience.
The CAUSE Leadership Network is an invitation-only, membership program and platform for millennial leaders to channel skills, expertise and passion for the purpose of cross-sector advancement and the empowerment of APA communities. Through opportunities for key connections, knowledge-sharing, and dialogue, CLN is a space dedicated to the mutual advancement of emerging APA leaders across all sectors. CLN members are committed to creating space for and driving our collective APA community forward.
Member Qualifications
Interest in advancing the interests of the APA community
Possesses recognized experience and influence
Proven track record of community leadership
Upholds CAUSE Leadership Qualities*
Ability to contribute the Three T’s: Time, Treasure, Talent
Network Goals

Increase representation at the executive leadership level

Foster tri-sector collaboration

Collaborate and communicate to address community issues

Support other Network members with personal and career advancement

Change the civic landscape in Southern California to reflect a more cohesive AANHPI community
Leadership Council
Adam Ma
Community Relations
Jade Leung
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP
John Tang
Director, Government Relations & Public Affairs
Reyes Coca-Cola Bottling
The Honorable Thomas Wong
Board President
San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District
The Leadership Council & Network is Supported by
Charlie Woo