Freshly out of undergrad, I was a bit anxious and hesitant beginning my first day at CAUSE. I had felt a slight case of imposter syndrome and self-intimidation walking into the orientation room. I am relieved to say that my first week at CAUSE was nothing I had imagined. Within the first hour, I felt comfortable within the welcoming space that was created by the staff and members of my cohort. This was the first time I was surrounded by a room filled with people who had the same experiences and passions as me and I soon came to the realization that this was going to be an amazing summer.
Interns gather for a photo on their last day at CSULB
Over the course of the week, we had the opportunity to meet many leaders in the community while attending workshops that helped expand my knowledge and understanding of civic engagement in the AAPI communities. One of the workshops that stood out to me was former State Assembly Candidate Godfrey Plata’s Campaign 101 workshop. I have always been curious about the ins and outs of campaigning, it was a concept that I could not unpack. After listening to former State Assembly Candidate Godfrey Plata, I felt more confident in my understanding and began to feel more excited about our upcoming project (mock campaign).
Former State Assembly Candidate Godfrey Plata asks interns about their former experience with campaigning
Another highlight of orientation week was meeting the Data Analytics Director from UCLA’s NHPI Data Policy Lab, Richard Calvin Chang. Before meeting Calvin, my knowledge of statistics and data amongst the NHPI community was slim to none. Listening to Calvin speak about the misrepresentation of NHPI communities and how, in some cases, data gets swept under the rug led to me wanting to learn more. After we were dismissed, I had the opportunity to speak to Calvin 1:1. Speaking to Calvin about some personal issues, while growing up as an Indo-Fijian in California, was truly a conversation I will hold onto forever. It was the first time I had felt understood about the dilemma I held onto: not being Fijian enough or Indian enough.
This was just a small glimpse of what orientation week was like for me, but I can assure you it was a memorable and impactful experience. Ending my first week as a CLA intern, I am immensely eager for what lies ahead for my cohort and me this summer.
CLA interns and CAUSE staff commemorate the last day of their orientation week retreat at CSULB
The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not reflect the views or positions of CAUSE or the CAUSE network.
Written by Shiwani Lata, Leadership Academy 2024 Intern.
The CAUSE Leadership Academy (CLA) for students is a nine-week, paid, internship program that prepares college undergraduates to lead and advocate for the Asian Pacific Islander community on their campuses and beyond.