BLOG 5: C (you all) LA (ter)

Two truths and a lie:

  • Farrah is the best supervisor an intern could ever ask for!

  • The 13 other CLA interns from this year’s cohort are now some of my closest friends.

  • I did not start crying during my two-minute speech at CLA graduation.

I often face difficulties coming up with answers for this icebreaker because my facial expressions always reveal my true feelings. So when I released the waterworks in front of the CAUSE board members during graduation, it was clear that I was not ready to say goodbye and close this chapter in my life.

Intern Emma Tom shares her two-minute graduation speech.

In the past, I perceived being told that I “feel very deeply” as a weakness. By wearing my emotions on my sleeve and taking most things personally, I was at risk of being taken advantage of. However, I found out that when entrusted to the right people, feelings can be treasured.

The lack of capability to ‘feel deeply’ within our government and systems of power hurts marginalized communities and removes empathy from decisions around policymaking. If there was one thing I could take away during my time with CAUSE, it is that they are an organization transparent about their feelings towards our communities and the injustices we have faced as a collective. More than just feeling, they care enough to show up when they are needed, whether it be through vote centers, food crawls, public comment, or redistricting, they were present.

I learned to embrace my sensitivity, a self-perceived flaw, and reframe it in a way that empowered me and my values. Vulnerability does not come easily to most because it is laying yourself bare, along with your insecurities and struggles, in front of others. In these past nine weeks, I have come to cherish my willingness to be vulnerable which has been praised for being a sign that I value my connection with people.

Interns Haley Ku, Grant Li, and Emma Tom take a commemorative photo.

I am utterly filled with love for the people that I was so blessed to meet this summer. CLA has taught me that even though dialogue may be contentious, it is necessary for understanding one another. Now, I find myself approaching conversations as if I am opening a present: the reward being infinite possibilities to learn something new about the other person or the world in general!

My world has been radically flipped upside down now donning the mindset that I am capable. This summer has brought out the very best sides of me and has provided me with the courage to go out and make my mark on the world. From conversations with Nancy, I have realized my worth and know not to undermine all I have cultivated through my experiences, as a way to respect everyone and everything that has shaped me into who I am today.

I have truly felt that partaking in this internship has given me abounding hope that there are still pockets where we can fill and bring humanity back into politics. CLA is only a stepping stone for us to surpass expectations and go even further to create tangible change that we want to see.

I cannot believe that we entered this space as strangers knowing nothing about each other besides bits and pieces that we could gather through various icebreakers. I have been irrevocably changed after meeting all of you and I love the person I have grown into.

This blog’s theme, befitting for me who loves so deeply, is simply finding home. I have finally discovered myself and all I am capable of becoming thanks to everyone who has touched my heart this summer. I can now comfortably turn the next page knowing that this is only the starting line. Beware there will be more tears to come where I will need to be comforted but until then, goodbye and see you all later!

2024 CLA interns pose for a photo with Board Chair Charlie Woo