BLOG 5: Polaroid Love

“Hi, my name is Nathan, I am a rising sophomore at UC Irvine, and I was placed with the district office of State Senator Susan Rubio.” Standing on the stage with my cohort, I said my final introduction to the crowd of loved ones in the audience here to cheer us on at the culmination of our 9-week long program with CLA. While 9 weeks seemed long when it was pages away on my calendar, it passed by so fast when it actually happened, especially when each day and week was spent with the CLA staff and my 13 other amazing cohort members who have now become my lifelong friends. I was so blessed to have had such a fulfilling summer with each of them.

From all the beach volleyball adventures, food tours all across Socal, to tackling serious problems in our communities together, seeing each of them shine in what they do best has truly inspired me to be even better in who I want to become in the future. I have learned that the people I look up to the most who would have the most impact with me are actually those who are on the same level as me. After everything we’ve been through together, I know that I can count on them to be the shoulder I can lean on in times of trouble, and that I will always be there for them, no matter what. The CLA staff, who have become my life mentors with their experience and wise words, were my guiding light during the whole process. From the series of 1 on 1 talks we engaged in, to the delicious Filipino barbeque we enjoyed together on our last Friday session together, the relationships I have built with each of them impacted me so much and I look forward to making each of them proud in the years to come. (I’m also looking forward to more Filipino barbeque with them too haha. Same time next year?)

To me, polaroids are core memories that become tangible when printed onto one, and they have been my love language to my friends for the past couple years, so it came as no surprise that I printed my favorite memories with everyone into polaroids as my farewell gift. When I look at the polaroid of us that we took at our final group hangout on the back of my phone, I see memories and bright smiles of interns who graduated from an intensive internship, but also all the lessons and advice given to me from each of these young leaders who will do so much great things in the future.

To the future CLA 2025 intern reading my blog: I was in your exact spot about a year ago, reading my predecessors’ blogs, taking in all their experiences so that it would prepare me for what would happen when it came my turn in CLA. I want you to know that you deserve your placement in your cohort because you have accomplished so much in life already and you have plans in the future to accomplish even more. I hope my blogs have entertained you throughout the application, interview, or dreadful result waiting period :) If you did read all of my blogs, don’t hesitate to tell me when I get to meet you in person at the next networking event!

Nathan Yeung, CLA 2024 Intern, signing out!