Los Angeles, CA – In light of public health concerns related to the COVID-19 coronavirus and to do our part in inhibiting its spread, CAUSE is postponing our 27th Annual Gala, originally scheduled for April 9th, 2020. CAUSE is monitoring the situation and following recommendations made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and by California State Governor Gavin Newsom, and will announce a new date when decided.
CAUSE 26th Annual Gala (Balitang America)
亞美政聯年會 擬募款20萬元 (World Journal)
亞美政聯(CAUSE )第26屆年會18日晚舉行,今年年會主題為:我們定調未來(The Future We Define )。聯邦眾議員趙美心、加州眾議員周本立、加州主計長余淑婷(Betty Yee)等與會致辭。亞美政聯主席胡澤群表示,只有強化亞裔人群在美國社會的領導力,才能決定亞裔的未來,這也正是今年年會主題。年會參與者逾400人,包括民選官員、商界領袖、律師、社區活躍人士等。
亞太社區基金會執行長黃群雁多年參與亞美政聯活動,她認為亞裔在美國主流社會強調參政非常重要,要關心社區,成為社區領袖,幫助亞裔社區爭取更多權益,並能夠積極發聲維權。而且在人口普查時,也要積極參與,因為這樣能夠讓亞裔社區的需要讓政府了解,不能被忽視,還要進一步為亞裔社區爭取更多資源。當天活動頒發社區合作夥伴獎和Norman Y. Mineta Legacy Award給三位傑出女性。
CAUSE celebrates APA leadership for its 26th Annual Gala “The Future We Define”
亞美政聯(Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment,簡稱CAUSE)5日晚在洛杉磯市中心舉辦第25屆年度晚宴,今年主題是「就是現在」(The Time Is Now),邀請加州州務卿帕迪拉(Alex Padilla)擔任演講嘉賓,近500位政界及社區人士與會。
聯邦眾議員趙美心、Brad Sherman和加州眾議員Rob Bonta、周本立等民選官員也都到場。趙美心祝賀亞美政聯成立25周年,感謝亞美政聯,並為該組織多年來為社區做出的貢獻感到驕傲。趙美心指出,25年來她也是一路從蒙市市議員成長為美國第一個華裔女性聯邦眾議員。只有行動起來才能打破界限,做出改變。
亞美政聯主席胡澤群(Charles Woo)表示,亞美政聯多年來致力於培養亞裔青年領袖,很多人現在都已成為為社區發聲的民選官員和活躍人士,希望他們可以成為青年的楷模,鼓勵更多亞裔從政,在社區中發揮領袖作用。
洛杉磯韓裔市議員柳大衛(David Ryu)獲得「激勵領導獎」(Inspirational Leadership Award),聯邦眾議員趙美心也為亞美政聯主席胡澤群頒獎。
데이비드 류 시의원 'CAUSE' 리더십 상 (Korea Daily)
데이비드 류 LA 4지구 시의원이 5일 LA 호텔 캘리포니아 볼룸(333 S. Figueroa St LA)에서 열린 아시아계 권익 단체의 하나인 아시안아메리칸연합 권익센터(CAUSE) 연례 행사에서 ‘리더십 상’을 수상했다. 데이비드 류 시의원이 행사장으로 입장하고 있다. 김상진 기자
데이비드 류 시의원 ‘CAUSE’ 리더십 상 (Korea Daily)
데이비드 류 LA 4지구 시의원이 5일 LA 호텔 캘리포니아 볼룸(333 S. Figueroa St LA)에서 열린 아시아계 권익 단체의 하나인 아시안아메리칸연합 권익센터(CAUSE) 연례 행사에서 ‘리더십 상’을 수상했다. 데이비드 류 시의원이 행사장으로 입장하고 있다. 김상진 기자
데이비드 류 시의원 ‘CAUSE’ 리더십 상 (The Korea Times)
데이빗 류 LA시의원이 지난 5일 LA호텔 캘리포니아에서 개최된 제25회 아시안아메리칸연합권익센터(CAUSE) 기금 만찬 갈라에서 ‘인스피레이셔널 리더십 어워드’를 수상했다. 이날 행사에 참석한 데이빗 류(왼쪽) LA시의원이 LA시 최초 아시안 시의원이었던 마이크 우 학장과 함께 했다.
Cause Mobilizes APA Community For Its 25th Annual Gala: “The Time Is Now!”
Contact: Haidee Pan
Director of Marketing & Communications
Phone: 626-356-9838
Email: haidee@causeusa.org
CAUSE mobilizes APA community for its 25th Annual Gala – “The Time Is Now!”
Pasadena, CA – March 23, 2018 – Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE) will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary on Thursday, April 5, 2018 at the L.A. Hotel Downtown (333 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071).
The schedule of events is as follows:
6:00 P.M. VIP Reception | Pacific Room
6:00 P.M. Silent Auction & Networking | California Ballroom Foyer
7:00 P.M. Dinner Program | California Ballroom
The CAUSE Annual Gala is the premier APA event for those interested in politics and community. It boasts the largest attendance of APA elected officials and is a celebration of those striving to make an impact in our community. More than 100 APA federal, state and local officials from all over California will be in attendance. The gala also serves as the largest fundraiser of the year for CAUSE. Funds raised help sustain our many programs and services, which include voter outreach, training, and education and leadership development programs. Our programs have proven to be successful in encouraging increased civic engagement and political leadership in the Greater Los Angeles area and beyond. Additionally, 400+ guests are expected to attend this year— all of whom are dedicated to elevating the APA community.
This year’s theme is “The Time is Now!” CAUSE Executive Director Kim Yamasaki says, “As our country enters a new era of politics, it is important, now more than ever, to mobilize and empower our community, to make an impact in future elections.”
We are delighted to recognize the following honoree for their audacity and resolve to stand as a leader for the APA community:
Inspirational Leadership Award
Los Angeles Councilmember David Ryu
Los Angeles City Councilmember David E. Ryu represented the 4th council district which includes the neighborhoods of Sherman Oaks, Toluca Lake, Hollywood, Hollywood Hills, Los Feliz, Silverlake, Miracle Mile, Hancock Park, Windsor Square, Larchmont and a portion of Koreatown.
Ryu studied economics at UCLA; Public Policy and Administration at Rutgers; won a prestigious United Nations graduate internship; and was a Netkal Fellow at USC’s School of Social Work.
As Senior Deputy to Los Angeles County Supervisor Yvonne Burke, he worked for years on issues like public health, housing, children and family services, transportation and senior services. He helped oversee the County budget and worked for a time as a Special Investigator for the Auditor-Controller, rooting out waste and fraudulent expenditures.
Ryu returned to the non-profit world and served as Director of Development and Public Affairs at one of Los Angeles’s largest non-profit health care providers: Kedren Acute Psychiatric Hospital and Community Health Center.
On July 1st, 2015 Ryu became the first Korean American to serve on the LA City Council and only the second Asian American.
“The work that CAUSE does to empower leadership and organize the API community is remarkable, effective and important,” Councilmember Ryu said. “I am so honored to receive this award, and to work with CAUSE on bringing a new generation of leadership to the fore, inspiring the voices of our community, and ensuring that Asian-Americans remain a key part of the Los Angeles story.”
Press will receive complimentary admission; to reserve your press spot, please RSVP with Audrey Soriano by email at audrey@causeusa.org or phone at (818) 621-3642 by Tuesday, April 3.
Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan, community-based organization with a mission to advance the civic and political empowerment of the Asian Pacific American (APA) community through nonpartisan voter registration and education, community outreach, and leadership development.
For press inquiries, please contact CAUSE via phone at (626) 356-9838 or email at info@causeusa.org. General information can be obtained from our website, www.causeusa.org. Our offices are located at 260 S. Los Robles Avenue, #115, Pasadena, CA 91101.
CAUSE Hosts 24th Annual Gala To Promote Asian Americans In Politics (Alhambra Source)
Alhambra City Councilman Jeff Maloney has always been interested in making his community a better place.
So when the opportunity to run for city council presented itself, he decided to enter the race for office last year.
“It was a big decision I had to discuss with my family, but … because I have that interest and that motivation to try to find solutions to all kinds of issues, big and small, I felt that it was the right thing for me to do,” Maloney told the Alhambra Source.
Before the 2016 election, Maloney attended a seminar hosted by the Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE), a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing civic and political empowerment among the Asian Pacific American (APA) community. The seminar helped encourage and prepare potential Asian American candidates for what they should expect and what they should do, Maloney said. He added that it’s one of multiple CAUSE programs from which he has benefited.
Maloney was among elected officials who attended CAUSE’s 24th annual gala Thursday evening at The L.A. Hotel Downtown. The event celebrated and recognized individuals working to make a difference in the APA community. Also in attendance were Rep. Judy Chu, Los Angeles City Councilman David Ryu, Alhambra Vice Mayor Stephen Sham and California State Assemblymember Ed Chau.
During the gala, Chu said she has been a long-time supporter of CAUSE. As the chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, a priority for her has been to get more Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) into office.
“For over two decades, CAUSE has played such an important role in building our next generation of leaders,” Chu said. “And that’s why I always have a CAUSE intern in my office every year.”
The organization issued three awards during Thursday’s event: the Partners in Public Service Award to Anthony Rendon, speaker of the California State Assembly, and Annie Lam, principal of Lam Consulting Group; the Community Championship Award to John Kobara, executive Vice President and chief operating officer of the California Community Foundation; and the Corporate Leadership Award to Patrick Niemann, managing partner of Ernst & Young, Greater Los Angeles.
Honorees thanked CAUSE for the work it has done to empower the APA community.
Yet despite the strides the AAPI community has made in the political sphere, it is still underrepresented and underappreciated, Kobara told attendees during his remarks.
“We’ve made progress, but it’s not enough. We’re still ignored, we’re still overlooked and we’re still thinking about where the opportunities can be,” he said. “There is an ocean of untapped talent in this community, an ocean of suffering in this community. We must help others know we are here, that our voices and needs matter and it cannot be ignored.”
Maloney echoes the sentiment and says that mobilizing the AAPI community is crucial.
“If there’s no diversity in our representation, then we aren’t going to be able to express and address the concerns of everyone in our communities,” he said.
In Alhambra, Maloney thinks the city has appropriate representation at the council level and that council members have established a good level of communication with each other.
“It’s been encouraging for to me to see that level of participation and input that all the different communities in our city have in the process,” he said.
Maloney noted that CAUSE, among other organizations, has served as a voice for communities that historically haven’t had one in politics. He also said that for young AAPIs interested in getting involved in politics, CAUSE is a good place to start.
“And I think for the most part, you’ll be embraced into that world and will be presented with a lot of opportunities,” he said.
CAUSE Mobilizes APA Community For Its 24th Annual Gala – “Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders”
CAUSE mobilizes APA community for its 24th Annual Gala – “Empowering Tomorrow’s
Pasadena, CA – February 27, 2017 – Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE) will be celebrating its 24th Anniversary on Thursday, April 20, 2017 at the L.A. Hotel Downtown (333 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071). This year’s theme is “Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders.” As our country enters a new era of leadership, it is more important than ever to empower the future leaders and change-makers of the Asian Pacific American (APA) community.
The schedule of events is as follows:
5:00 P.M. VIP Reception
6:00 P.M. Silent Auction & Networking | California Ballroom Foyer
7:00 P.M. Dinner Program | California Ballroom
The CAUSE Annual Gala is the premier APA event for those interested in politics and community. It boasts the largest attendance of APA elected officials and is a celebration of those striving to make an impact in our community. More than 100 APA federal, state and local officials from all
over California will be in attendance. The gala also serves as the largest fundraiser of the year for CAUSE. Funds raised help sustain our many programs and services, which include voter outreach, training, and education and leadership development programs. Our programs have proven to be successful in encouraging increased civic engagement and political leadership in the Greater Los Angeles area and beyond.
Additionally, 500 guests are expected to attend this year— all of whom are dedicated to elevating the APA community. We are delighted to recognize the following honorees for their audacity and resolve to stand as leaders for the APA community:
Partners in Public Service Award
The Hon. Anthony Rendon, 70th
Speaker of the California State Assembly and
Annie V. Lam, Principal, Lam Consulting Group
Speaker Rendon and Ms. Lam have exemplified the importance cross-sector partnership in civic leadership. Their commitment to public service in government and the nonprofit industry is commendable. Speaker Rendon and Ms. Lam’s long-standing support for the APA community includes supporting CAUSE’s past programs and helping us to inspire the next generation of civic and public service leaders.
Speaker Rendon was elected to the California State Assembly in 2012 and was sworn-in as the 70th Speaker of the Assembly in 2016. He represents the 63rd California Assembly District, which includes Bell, Cudahy, Hawaiian Gardens, Lakewood, Lynwood, Maywood, Paramount, South Gate and a northern portion of Long Beach.
Ms. Lam specializes in governmental affairs, organizational development, and nonprofit management. Ms. Lam serves as the executive director for four nonprofits with complementary missions: the Asian Union Election Committee Education Fund (AUECEF), the League of California Cities Asian Pacific Islander (API) Caucus, the League of California Cities Women’s Caucus, and the California Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus Institute.
Community Championship Award
Mr. John Kobara
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
California Community Foundation
After serving five years on the Board of Directors, Mr. Kobara was appointed Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for the California Community Foundation in 2008. For more than 40 years, Mr. Kobara has been leading and managing diverse and complex non-profit and for-profit organizations, including CK12 Foundation, OnlineLearning.net, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles. More than anything, Mr. Kobara considers himself an educator and teacher. He has taught hundreds of classes and workshops for undergraduate and graduate students, including participants in CAUSE’s leadership development programs for many years.
Corporate Citizenship Award
Mr. Patrick Niemann
Managing Partner – Greater Los Angeles
Ernst & Young LLP
As Managing Partner for Greater Los Angeles at Ernst & Young LLP, Patrick Niemann leads a team of 1,600 professionals who serve more than 1,000 innovative and entrepreneurial companies. Mr. Niemann is also a client-serving partner who works with public and private companies in diverse sectors. Prior to his current role, Pat managed EY’s Greater Los Angeles Audit practice and served as industry leader for the Media & Entertainment and Japanese Business Services practices. For many years, Mr. Niemann and EY have been actively involved in the Los Angeles community and dedicated to empowering and giving back specifically to the APA community.
Certificate presentations and press interviews will take place during the VIP reception. Press will receive complimentary admission; to reserve your press spot, please RSVP with Lindsey Horowitz by email at lindsey@causeusa.org or phone at (323) 573-3452 by Friday, April 14.
Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan, community-based organization with a mission to advance the civic and political empowerment of the Asian Pacific American (APA) community through nonpartisan voter registration and education, community outreach, and leadership development.
For press inquiries, please contact CAUSE via phone at (626) 356-9838 or email at info@causeusa.org. General information can be obtained from our website, www.causeusa.org. Our offices are located at 260 S. Los Robles Avenue, #115, Pasadena, CA 91101.