Women in Power

亞美政聯頒傑出女性領袖獎 趙美心 「女性力量」獲肯定 (World Journal)





洛杉磯主要的亞裔參政社團亞美政聯(CAUSE),20日舉辦2018亞美政聯「女性力量」(Women in Power)年度領袖大會,聯邦眾議員趙美心獲頒2018傑出女性領袖獎。 

女性力量(Women in Power)計畫旨在透過各種專題討論,幫助女性領導者探索並克服面臨的挑戰。現場有許多女性領導者分享自己創業的成功經驗,展現女性力量。


獲頒亞美政聯2018傑出女性領袖、在電影「瘋狂亞洲富豪」出演的華韓混血奧卡菲娜(Awkwafina),是近18年來第一位在綜藝節目周六夜現場(Saturday Night Live)的女性主持人。奧卡菲娜表示,她一開始是在Youtube開始自己的脫口秀節目,表達亞裔女性心聲和倡導女性平權。她去年的歌曲「Green Tea」也被稱為「美國亞裔女人主題曲」。她呼籲「女性勇敢站出來,表達自己,贏得尊重。」

亞美政聯執行長Kim Yamasaki在大會表示,「有些事情只能夠向女性學習,我們鼓勵大家透過分享來互相鼓勵,一起建立強大的領導能力。」



亚美政联举办2017妇女领袖大会 (US China Press)


【侨报记者高睿7月21日洛杉矶报道】亚美政联21日在洛杉矶千禧(Millennium)大酒店举办2017妇女领袖领导大会,邀请包括加州主计长余淑婷、华裔女企业家徐明辰(音译:Ming Chen Hsu)和宋妮塔(音译:Nita Song)在内的十多位巾帼精英同与会的数百名各行各业的妇女代表分享他们的参政、创业和职场经验。




【洛杉磯直擊】亞裔女文靜無意見?加州女高官鼓勵打破成見當領袖 (Apple Daily)



雖說現代社會追求男女平等,不過根據統計,現時福布斯全球500強企業中,女性行政總裁的比例只佔6.2%,反映女性在職場上仍然有透明天花板,難登大公司的首要位置。亞美政聯(CAUSE)周五舉行女性領袖論壇(Women In Power Leadership Conference),邀請了多位職場上有出色成就的女性分享經歷,洛杉磯縣行政總裁濱井(Sachi Hamai;該職位前身為首席政務司長,Chief Administrative Officer)及加州主計官(Controller)徐淑婷(Betty Yee)均鼓勵女性要多主動,爭取成為社區領袖。


在洛縣政府中,有4個監委是女性,只有1個男性。行政人員中7成是女性,60%的部門主管也是女性,且縣政府內最高薪酬的12位職員中,有6位是女性。對此,濱井覺得比例相當平均。她認為,女性擔任要職時會較注重合作。去年他們提倡了「婦女及女童」(Women and girls) 的提案,撥款支援因性別而經歷不公平對待的女性。



論壇亦頒發了2017年女性創革領袖創革大獎予徐敏(Ming Chen Hsu) 及Maria Contreras-Sweet 。徐敏在前美國總統喬治布殊年代擔任聯邦海運委員會會長一職,並有份促成2004年中美雙方海運協議,亦是美國戴氏基金會的總裁。而Maria Contreras-Sweet 則是前總裁奧巴馬的幕僚,亦曾任美國小型企業管理局(SBA)行政官。

【掌權女性論壇】詹妮:新媒體爆亞裔網紅 (World Journal)

亞美政協(CAUSE)21日舉辦年度「掌權女性」(Women in Power)論壇,華裔網絡演員詹妮(Julie Zhan)指出新媒體為亞裔年輕人帶來無限機會,原先因族裔被邊緣化無法出頭的才能者,能通過網絡自由表達,也是現今亞裔「網紅」湧現原因。

舞蹈演員出身的詹妮,多年前參與出演不少網絡微電影,是「王夫電影小組」(Wong Fu Production)主要演員之一,作品大多講述在美的亞裔第二代年輕人的生活、文化相關故事。在Youtube上,詹妮擁有大量粉絲,每條視頻都有幾十萬甚至數百萬瀏覽量。




【掌權女性論壇】余淑婷:未來有意參選州長 (World Journal)

亞美政協21日舉辦年度「掌權女性」(Women in Power)論壇,加州主計長余淑婷在座談後透露自己未來有計畫角逐州長,也分享作為女性最初被要求給男同事端咖啡,到如今事業有成的經歷。





【掌權女性論壇】濱井幸:勇敢冒險 勿要求自我完美 (World Journal)

亞美政協21日舉辦年度「掌權女性」論壇,會上洛杉磯縣府日裔首席執行長(CEO)濱井幸(Sachi Hamai)分享自己作為少數族裔女性,掌管整個洛縣事務的心路歷程。





同台的「Shatter Fund」投資合夥人Shelly Kapoor Collins,提到成功女性常有「冒名頂替症候群」(Impostor Syndrome),即患者無法將成功歸功於自己的能力,而是覺得靠運氣或他人的過高器重,獲得不少在場女性贊同。



CAUSE Hosts the 2017 Women In Power Annual Leadership Conference


Contact: Lindsey Horowitz

Director of Programs

Phone: 626-356-9838

Email: lindsey@causeusa.org

CAUSE Hosts the 2017 Women in Power Annual Leadership Conference

Pasadena, CA – July 21, 2017 – Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE) will host the 2017 Women in Power Annual Leadership Conference on Friday, July 21, 2017 at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel (506 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071), from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, with a network reception to follow from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

The Women in Power (WIP) program aims to create opportunities for candid discussion regarding issues that women leaders face and to explore strategies for overcoming them. The WIP annual conference and networking programs help foster a community built on leadership, inspiration, and mentorship, empowering women to achieve their full leadership potential.

The program also serves as a recruitment tool to be able to ensure we are engaging with women of all different industries and ensuring that they are encouraged to apply and go through our other pipeline building and leadership development programming efforts such as the Leadership Academy and the Political Institute.

We are delighted to recognize the following honorees with the 2017 Women in Power Changemaker Award:

The Honorable Maria Contreras-Sweet
24th Administrator of the US Small Business Administration

Maria Contreras-Sweet is the 24th Administrator of the US Small Business Administration (SBA) and was a member of President Obama’s cabinet. As a business leader, California state cabinet official, and entrepreneur, Contreras-Sweet’s achievements in bringing efficiencies and modernization to large scale organizations have earned her international acclaim. Her drive to bring SBA into the digital age, and expand into broader domestic and global markets, has yielded record results in lending and contracting for small businesses. Contreras-Sweet is a founding director of The California Endowment, a $3 billion foundation dedicated to improving the health status of Californians. She served on the boards of Blue Cross of California and numerous other nonprofit organizations.

Ming Chen Hsu
Director at the JT Tai & Company Foundation and Former FMC Commissioner

Ming Chen Hsu has extensive experience in international trade and commerce in both the public and private sectors. She was appointed as a Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission by former President George HW Bush and was confirmed by the United States Senate in 1990. She served on the commission for ten years. Hsu was actively involved in negotiations with the Chinese Ministry of Communications, which led to the US-China Maritime Bilateral Agreement signed by President George W. Bush and Premier Wen Jiabao in Washington in 2004. She’s the recipient of awards including the US Maritime Medal of Freedom, the Woman of Year Award from the Asian-American Professional Women’s Association, and George Washington University’s Alumni Achievement Award.

The schedule of events is as follows:

8:00 – 9:00 AM

Registration & Continental Breakfast

9:00 – 9:15 AM

Opening Remarks

Kim Yamasaki
Executive Director, CAUSE

Nita Song
President & COO, IW Group

Sponsor Remarks

Trisha Muse
Director of Community Relations, Southern California Gas Company

9:15 – 10:30 AM

Panel 1: Women Leading & Influencing

What does it take to succeed in today’s workforce, especially in industries where there aren’t traditionally many women leaders? What unique perspectives and leadership styles do women in power bring to the table? Panelists will discuss what factors led to their rise to the top and the importance of gender diversity across all industries.

Shelly Kapoor Collins
General Partner, Shatter Fund

The Honorable Sachi A. Hamai
Los Angeles County CEO

Moderated by Nita Song
President & COO, IW Group

10:40 – 11:50 AM
Leadership Development Breakout Session: Language of Leadership

Language is a powerful tool. Language is the most common way we create and replicate culture in organizations. We use language to endorse for the talent of others or to sponsor them. Yet, when we use language in an automatic way, bias can creep into our choice of words, inadvertently softening our advocacy. Learn the language of leadership so that you can be the best advocate for yourself, your peers and your teammates.

Lori Nishiura Mackenzie
Executive Director, Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford University

11:50 AM – 12:20 PM

Fireside Chat: Technology & Next Generation Leadership

New media is changing how we view the world around us and ourselves. The next generation of female leaders is utilizing online platforms, social media, and other avenues to influence our communities. We’ll hear insight from leaders in this space at different stages in their careers to learn more about how media is providing new opportunities for representation and empowerment.

Angeline Vuong
Director of Strategy & Marketing, Open Listings

Julie Zhan
Actress, Dancer, & Producer – YouTube Creative

Moderated by Mariko S. Carpenter
Vice President for Strategic Community Alliances, Nielsen

12:30 – 1:30 PM


Sponsor Remarks

Emily Wang
Senior Vice President & Director of Marketing and Community Development, East West Bank

2017 Women in Power Changemaker Award

The Honorable Maria Contreras-Sweet
24th Administrator of the US Small Business Administration

Ming Chen Hsu
Director at the JT Tai & Company Foundation and Former FMC Commissioner

1:30 – 2:45 PM

Panel 2: Power with a Purpose

What good is power if there is no purpose behind it? How can a sense of meaning and desire to serve your community drive your personal success? Panelists will share their path to leadership, what led them to serve their communities, and how their community leadership enhanced their professional careers.

Faye Washington
President & CEO, YWCA Greater Los Angeles

The Honorable Betty T. Yee
California State Controller

Tanzila “Taz” Ahmed
18 Million Rising & #GoodMuslimBadMuslim

Moderated by Kimberly Freeman
Assistant Dean for Diversity Initiatives & Community Relations, UCLA Anderson School of Management

2:45 – 3:00 PM

Closing Remarks

3:00 – 4:00 PM

VIP Reception

3:00 – 5:00 PM

General Networking Reception

Tickets are $85. Please RSVP by Tuesday, July 18 at wipconference.eventbrite.com.

Hotel valet parking is available for event attendees at a rate of $22.00 per car. Other parking options are available in the surrounding area at varying rates

Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan, community-based organization with a mission to advance the  political empowerment of the Asian Pacific American community through nonpartisan voter registration and education, community outreach, and leadership development.

For any further inquiries, please contact CAUSE via phone at (626) 356-9838 or email at info@causeusa.org. General information can be obtained from our website at www.causeusa.org. Our office is located at 260 S. Los Robles Ave., #115 Pasadena, CA 91101


全美500大企業CEO 僅5%是女性 (ETTV America)

現代女性, 真的在職場上, 出頭天了嗎? 根據最新統計, 目前全美, 前五百大企業中, CEO的角色, 只有百分之五, 是由女性擔任, 說明了, 女性在職場上, 透明天花板, 真實存在。因此, 非營利團體「亞美政聯」, 今年, 就舉辦一場, 「華裔婦女交流講座」, 還特別邀請, 來自法律、娛樂、以及廣告界的成功女性, 共同分享, 她們成功的故事。

亞裔女性近半是學士 比白人多 (World Journal)


亞美政聯(CAUSE)1日在洛杉磯市舉辦華裔婦女交流講座,邀請具影響力的亞裔女性出席。亞美政聯媒體發言人Haidee Pan表示,許多參與者為傑出成功女性,也有許多參與者只是想到場取經,甚至還有少數參與者為男性,他們也覺得可以透過這平台深入了解女性想法。

律師Cyndie Chang指出,為什麼女性需要改變或需要做更多,才能爬到高位,而改變的卻不是整個社會型態?問題雖然無法解開,但女性也不能因此被打敗,應該持續互相打氣,讓社會知道女性要什麼,也許整個社會形態最終可以被改變。

日裔Mariko Carpenter是企業負責人,她指出,亞裔女性發展非常快,目前是美國最大的移民族群,且年齡25歲以上的亞裔女性,有49%得到大學學位,比白人(34%)還要多,有足夠能力掌權也有充分知識,但可能因社會型態及刻版印象影響亞裔女性發展。為幫忙女性發展,Mariko總結三個重點表示,第一,即使是團體中唯一亞裔女性,也必須要主動講話與融入,第二,不要忙於記下重點,與他人交流才最為重要,第三,如具影響力,應該持續為女性發聲及加油打氣。然而,具有自信心還是最重要。

演員胡凱莉(Kelly Hu)表示自己幼時被媽媽勸導,亞裔女性應該要乖巧安靜,不該大聲說話,也不該得到過多關注。投入影視界已有30年的胡凱莉表示,當時的影視界有非常少數亞裔女性,也因社會上的刻板印象,在戲劇角色設定方面非常侷限,而不只亞裔女性如此,亞裔男性也面臨同樣現象,即使近年亞裔角色變多元,但還是有很多角色始終還未讓亞裔嘗試過,例如:亞裔浪漫男主角。

CAUSE Hosts Women In Power: Leadership In Entrepreneurship


Contact: Aki Leung

Director of Programs

Phone: 626-356-9838

Email: aki@causeusa.org

CAUSE Hosts Women in Power: Leadership in Entrepreneurship

Pasadena, CA — January 27, 2016 — The Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE) will be hosting Women in Power: Leadership in Entrepreneurship at City Club Los Angeles (555 South Flower Street, 51st Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071) on Friday, February 5, 2016 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

This Women in Power panel discussion program will feature some of Los Angeles’ top entrepreneurial women. Through candid discussion, panelists will continue the program’s tradition of empowering women to rise to the top. Panelists include:

  • Ellen Chen, Co-Founder and President, Mendocino Farms

  • Toni Ko, CEO, Butter Ventures, and Founder, NYX Cosmetics

  • Pooneh Mohajer, CEO and Co-Founder, tokidoki

Nita Song, IW Group’s President and Chief Momentum Officer will moderate the program.

CAUSE will facilitate a candid discussion about the challenges and opportunities facing women entrepreneurs. While reports from the United States Census Bureau show that women-owned businesses have increased by 79% since 1997, businesswomen still face significant struggles in achieving the same ground as their male counterparts. Forbes recently announced that the majority of women-owned businesses start their companies with 50% less capital and that only 4 % are able to generate over $500,000 in revenue.

Panelists will delve into the heart of these challenges, share how they were able to rise above, and point out why leadership made all the difference. CAUSE will explore what made their individual brands successful as well as how they grew those brands to reach success. By sharing their experiences, panelists intend to encourage members of the audience to follow suit.

This event is in partnership with the National Association of Women Business Owners – Los Angeles and was made possible due to the support of East West Bank and Ernst & Young. Please RSVP by Monday, February 1, 2016 at wip-entrepreneur.eventbrite.com. Admission is $35 per person and valet parking is $10 with validation. Please contact Kim Yamasaki at kim@causeusa.org or at (626) 356-9838 for sponsorship inquiries.

Center for Asian Americans United for Self-Empowerment (CAUSE) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan, community-based organization with a mission to advance the political and civic empowerment of the Asian Pacific American (APA) community through nonpartisan voter registration and education, community outreach, and leadership development.

The Women in Power program aims to create opportunities for candid discussion regarding issues that women leaders face and to explore strategies for overcoming them. The panel discussions and networking programs help foster a community built on leadership, inspiration, and mentorship. The program helps women professionals achieve their full leadership potential.

For press registration and inquiries, please contact CAUSE by phone at (626) 356-9838 or by email at aki@causeusa.org. General information can be obtained from our website, www.causeusa.org. Our office is located at 260 South Los Robles Avenue, #115, Pasadena, CA 91101.
